Sunday, August 11, 2019

We waited for Summer—now WHERE HAS IT GONE??

The months of June and July have gone by so quickly and now I play “catch-up”! Lots of things happened in the Merry Month of May,  like “National Donut Day”— which we celebrated with  Brad and Cassi and their Family. “WHO DOESN’T WANT AN EXCUSE TO EAT A YUMMY DONUT— WHO??” And Coaches Mumford and Mumford were hurriedly trying to finish up the Spring Baseball season :Elder “Papa Ron” helped at the games and tried to help some distracted 6- yr olds the Basics and “How to keep your Head (and Body) in the Game. It was fun to go and cheer them on. Will also played on another team and had some pretty good BATS. And lots of things have happened. Let’s do a little “rundown” of some highlights (of what I can remember).
At Dunkin Donuts in SLC celebrating “National Donut Day” 
Back row: L- R:  Sister Grammy Carol Mumford, Cailin Mumford, Elder Papa Ron Mumford, 
Brad Mumford ; Front row L-R: Ian and Blake and Alexa Jo. Mumford (Mama Cassi is taking pic)

The Pirates 
L-R:  Gunn Mumford, Coach Marcus Mumford and Locke Mumford

L-R: Gunn Mumford, Coach Papa Ron Mumford and Locke Mumford

The Pirates team waiting so patiently to have pictures taken 

Taking the “Traditional selfie” Missy and her Mama  (Carol) Mumford 

Mother’s Day 2019– found Elder and Sister Mumford at Missy Mumford’s home in Cottonwood Heights , for Dinner 

Month of May brought the birth of Iris Annette Mumford (with her beautiful ecstatic Mom- Lissa Mumford

Sister Grammy Carol Mumford and baby Iris Annette Mumford

Quincy Carol Mumford holding Iris Annette Mumford (but this is not her Sis) 

At the “March Madness Dinner “ which Brad volunteered to: host in Logan,  Utah this year.] 
Sister Grammy (Carol) Mumford holding the 2 newest Grands Iris Annette (on the left) and Liberty Ruth (on the right

Sad time in Yuma, AZ when Carol’s Sister Jane Ainsworth, lost her husband, Chuck Ainsworth following a brief but valiant fight with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)

Elder Gary Stevenson of the Quorum of the 12 happened to be in Logan at the same time as Lincoln’s family and agreed to this picture.
L-R: Elder Stevenson, Lincoln, Fielding Abram, Anslea and Hattie Mumford 

Marcus’s boys found themselves at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, CA for a fun night of  
Major League  Baseball 

We knew that our next-door neighbors would be finishing their Mission and going back to a new home in TEXAS. They are TEXANS, especially Elder Jerry  Johnson. He and Sister LaVonda.Johnson were our Zone Leaders at the Church History; Library in Collections and we loved serving with them!  Now when they left on June 20th 2019– it was truly a SAD SAD DAY! 
We snapped this pic at the Aloha Dinner where every other month we say 
Hello to our newest missionaries AND Good byes  to our incoming missionaries.
LL— L-R: Elder Ron  and Sister Carol  Mumford, Sister LaVonda and Jerry Johnson (departing  Missionaries) and our neighbors across the hall—  Sister Linda and Elder Miller.
Oh how we MISS the Johnsons —truly we send our LOVE TO YOU both!!