Saturday, September 14, 2019

. . . And there goes the rest of Summer

We made it through “HOT AUGUST”— but just barely!!  I really missed Clifton and the “cooling night breezes” that indicate a changing of the Seasons is coming. There were some Family Activities, including 2 Baby Blessings of Liberty Ruth Mumford (daughter of Lincoln & Hollie) and  Iris Annette Mumford (daughter of Bryce & Lissa).  We saw the “Back to School” messages posted by our family as the inevitable end of Summer laid it’s claim.
5 “Golfing Mumford Grandsons” waiting for Papa Mumford at the River Oaks Golf Course
 Off 90th So and 900 West in Sandy, UT
L-R: Abram, McKay, Max, Fielding and Mitchell (all Mumfords) and Porter Wilde who is going with Grammy Mumford for his Touch the Temple outing

Lincoln & Hollie Mumford and Family on Blessing day for “Liberty Ruth Mumford”
July 20, 2019

Lincoln, Hollie and Liberty Ruth Mumford

Grammy Carol & Papa Ron and “Iris Annette Mumford” on her Blessing Day in Provo, UT
July 27, 2019

Elder & Sister Tenney , Sister & Elder Mumford
Clark Planetarium in SLC, UT 

Elder & Sister Mumford with Sister Kitty Tenney and Elder Harold Tenney
At Clark Planetarium in SLC, UT to celebrate 50th anniversary of “ walking on the Moon”
July 1969-July 2019


The “Whole Mumford Golf Gang” (plus Grammy & Porter Wilde) at River Oaks Golf Course in Sandy, UT after a day of Golfing and Memories of the Sandy Mumford Farm shared by Papa Ron Mumford to L-R: (back) Max, Duke, Bryce,  (next row) Papa Ron, Fielding, McKay,  Lincoln
Then Abram, Mitchell, Porter Wilde and Grammy Carol
Rodeo Parade Watchers 

GG Ruth Jones holding her namesake Liberty Ruth on her Blessing Day in Clifton, ID 

 Mumford Cousin fun—at the Park in Provo

Brad & Cassi’s Family from their home in Logan, UT 

Outside Church in Provo, UT on Iris’ Blessing Day
Lissa, Missy (holding Iris) Grammy Carol, Jane ( in front) and Alexa Jo.

More Cousin Fun 
Pierce, Gid, Porter, Gunn, Ian, Locke

And here are some wonderful “Back to School 2019” photos the family have shared with me 

Noah Mumford

Wilde Family ALL going Back to School 
Katie, Porter, MJ, Sef, Gid ( in middle) and Maggie 

Hattie, Anslea, Quincey, Abram & Field Mumford ( holding Liberty) 

“J”, Locke & Gunn, Will 

Grace Mumford
She’s a Senior!! 

Alexa Jo., Cailin & Ian Mumford

McKay, Max, Mitchell, Millie & Mia Mumford

Hazel Mumford

Emma Mumford
( from Tacoma, WA)

Jane, Owen & Pierce
(From Provo, UT)

Owen and little Park friend 
(Or is that his Cousin Petersen??}

Lower left clockwise: Mitchell, Justice, Maggie, Alexa, Millie, Anslea, Cailin, & Will 

Trying to Build the Pryamid

McKay, Hazel and Max Mumfords 

Pretty fun things happening in those Closing days of Summer 2019!! And Elder and Sister Mumford are closing in on the last 6 months of our Mission here inSlat Lake Headquarters Mission. Time is going F-A-S-T!,

Sunday, August 11, 2019

We waited for Summer—now WHERE HAS IT GONE??

The months of June and July have gone by so quickly and now I play “catch-up”! Lots of things happened in the Merry Month of May,  like “National Donut Day”— which we celebrated with  Brad and Cassi and their Family. “WHO DOESN’T WANT AN EXCUSE TO EAT A YUMMY DONUT— WHO??” And Coaches Mumford and Mumford were hurriedly trying to finish up the Spring Baseball season :Elder “Papa Ron” helped at the games and tried to help some distracted 6- yr olds the Basics and “How to keep your Head (and Body) in the Game. It was fun to go and cheer them on. Will also played on another team and had some pretty good BATS. And lots of things have happened. Let’s do a little “rundown” of some highlights (of what I can remember).
At Dunkin Donuts in SLC celebrating “National Donut Day” 
Back row: L- R:  Sister Grammy Carol Mumford, Cailin Mumford, Elder Papa Ron Mumford, 
Brad Mumford ; Front row L-R: Ian and Blake and Alexa Jo. Mumford (Mama Cassi is taking pic)

The Pirates 
L-R:  Gunn Mumford, Coach Marcus Mumford and Locke Mumford

L-R: Gunn Mumford, Coach Papa Ron Mumford and Locke Mumford

The Pirates team waiting so patiently to have pictures taken 

Taking the “Traditional selfie” Missy and her Mama  (Carol) Mumford 

Mother’s Day 2019– found Elder and Sister Mumford at Missy Mumford’s home in Cottonwood Heights , for Dinner 

Month of May brought the birth of Iris Annette Mumford (with her beautiful ecstatic Mom- Lissa Mumford

Sister Grammy Carol Mumford and baby Iris Annette Mumford

Quincy Carol Mumford holding Iris Annette Mumford (but this is not her Sis) 

At the “March Madness Dinner “ which Brad volunteered to: host in Logan,  Utah this year.] 
Sister Grammy (Carol) Mumford holding the 2 newest Grands Iris Annette (on the left) and Liberty Ruth (on the right

Sad time in Yuma, AZ when Carol’s Sister Jane Ainsworth, lost her husband, Chuck Ainsworth following a brief but valiant fight with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)

Elder Gary Stevenson of the Quorum of the 12 happened to be in Logan at the same time as Lincoln’s family and agreed to this picture.
L-R: Elder Stevenson, Lincoln, Fielding Abram, Anslea and Hattie Mumford 

Marcus’s boys found themselves at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, CA for a fun night of  
Major League  Baseball 

We knew that our next-door neighbors would be finishing their Mission and going back to a new home in TEXAS. They are TEXANS, especially Elder Jerry  Johnson. He and Sister LaVonda.Johnson were our Zone Leaders at the Church History; Library in Collections and we loved serving with them!  Now when they left on June 20th 2019– it was truly a SAD SAD DAY! 
We snapped this pic at the Aloha Dinner where every other month we say 
Hello to our newest missionaries AND Good byes  to our incoming missionaries.
LL— L-R: Elder Ron  and Sister Carol  Mumford, Sister LaVonda and Jerry Johnson (departing  Missionaries) and our neighbors across the hall—  Sister Linda and Elder Miller.
Oh how we MISS the Johnsons —truly we send our LOVE TO YOU both!! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

More “Family” in the Mission

We are so happy that we can have “Visits and Visitors” while we serve this Mission! Some days I just get “a wee bit homesick” for our family and friends. So I am so grateful that Senior Missionaries have that “leeway”. Here are just a few “sampling’s” of special times lately (and maybe not so “lately)—-
Elder Ron and Sister Carol Mumford, Anthony Antonella, Chris and Bill Nelso
The occasion was Anthony’s 70th Birthday— celebrated at Sundance in Provo, Utah— at a very lovely dinner and program planned and put on by his 5 beautiful daughters. We felt so honored to have been invited.


Several members of our Zone— enjoying lunch at our Christmas celebration of “Bar-B -Que” put on by our super Zone leaders, Elder Gerry and Sister LaVonda Johnson. Why BBQ??— ‘cause they’re from TEXAS!! And it was a HIT!!

Major Brad Mumford “stopped in” dressed in his Dress Blues and lookin’ so GOOD! He was on his way to a special Awards Banquet where he was nominated for an award ( but he did not win)
But still he looked so impressive!! 


Elder Mumford, Michael Goff ( son of Sharee Millet and my nephew Byron Goff) and Sister Mumford. Michael was working at the Church History Library at apart-time job that sadly ended a few weeks ago. He loved what he was doing and wished i5 could have kept going. We just happened 
to “run” into him one day as we were coming and he was going . . . So we snapped a pic!!


I got this loveliest “surprise” in the mail for Valentines. The scarf is one that Deonna Fuller (my BFF) in Clifton —who passed away just days after we returned from our first mission to NY in January of 2018. It’s from Lisa Mumford Sears (my dearest Sister in love) who knows how much I love RED and scarves and surprises!! What a Fun thing to do!!

Sister Mumford on her way back from City Creek Center 
Standing in front of Kirton McConkie— the Law Firm the Church uses. 

Back row—l to r: Sally Jones, Sister Carol MUMFORD; front row—left to  right— Wayne’s daughter Billy,, Wayne (Santa Clause) Jones and Elder Ron MUMFORD 
We had some Oral Histories to gather so we were in Idaho for a few days in January around Martin Luther King Day. Sally Jones was so hoping we could visit during our “Home for Christmas” time. But we didn’t fit it in and I just felt we needed to get there. So in between the history we Interviewed 
in Malad and the one we did in Pocatello, we stopped in at the Wayne and Sally Jones homeSo we took this pic before we left— so very glad we did—as Wayne passed away just a few days later. 
They are wonderful people— We will miss him!!

Actin Ralphs and her Collection of photos of the Harold B Lee property and buildings which she and late husband, Dale Ralphcs, boughtmany years ago and built their home on. This was also part of the “ collecting work” we did while home in Clifton, Idaho. 

Elder MUMFORD was the photographer as he got “live shots” and took “pictures of pictures” to document this Collection 

A special picture “Indian maiden on the Mountain” as she only shows up at the “right time” on the mountain when the snows and the pines compliment each other. 

The HAROLD B LEE monument on a little knoll between the Clifton Churcl and the Clifton City Park.. 

We had “General Conference Visitors — Brad’s Family. We tried out these scooters one can see throug,out the City . They had a good time riding *they can get going FAST. All was good until Ian got going pretty fast and he hit  k bump in the sidewalk and—-ended on the ground. Took his lumps pretty good— but that kinda ended “THE RIDE”. 

Kory Ainsworth’s Family (except Kylie) outside the Draper Utah Temple, on the occasion of Kaleb,’s wedding in the Temple on April 27, 2019 
L to R:  Kolin Ainsworth, Krysjian Ainsworth, Kory and Karen Ainsworth, Sister and Elder Mumford

Hazel Mumford’s hard work in Art at West High School 

Kolin, , Krystian, Kory and Karen Ainsworth Sister C MMFORD and Elder R Mumford

‘‘Twas a very fun look at some of the things we’ve had going on the past few month!!