Tuesday, January 15, 2019

We were SURPRISED. . . with ANOTHER TRAINING OPPORTUNITY —With Regional Church History Specialists from Montana and Western Canada

So after our wonderful weekend of resting and hiking, we prepare to start our work in Church History Library on Monday, October 22, 2018. We have just about finished our “Library Tour” and are “classified and cleared” to move about the Library to do our assignments when we are introduced to Scott Christensen, one of the Area Directors of the Church History Library in the North America and Canadian “Collections”. He is about to begin a 3-day training of new Regional Church History Specialists from Colorado,  Montana and 2 Couples from Calgary and Regina areas of Canada—and our Zone Leaders, Elder and Sister Johnson, have requested that we “join” this Training group for the experience of seeing what those in areas outside of Utah are doing in the collection of Church Annual and Oral Histories’ Preservation responsibilities.and could be called on to help in the acquisition of these Histories and Artifacts). So. . . Tuesday morning (October 23) we were introduced to the Palmers from Nauvoo, Illinois  (who are the most Senior and directly responsible for “aiding and directing” the others who have just been called), the Snows from Colorado Springs, Colorado, the Millers from Kalispell, Montana, and the Steeds and the Harkers from Edmonton , Alberta Canada and Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. And these couples will serve in the areas in which they reside . “
 in. Oh we were so “happy and sad” at the same time!! But we soon learned what a privilege  it was to have been asked to join them!!

As a Highlight and end to our Training with these wonderful people from Montana and Canada, our Director over Collections for the US and Canada, Scott Christensen, arranged for a tour of the Salt Lake City Cemetery where most of the LATTERDAY PROPHETS OF THE CHURCH are buried. Each of us volunteered to study and make a 5 minute presentation at the grave of the Prophet we had studied. And here we are as Sister Mumford tells about Howard W Hunter

Caught this site one early evening as I came out of our Apartment building--so GLORIOUS!

Training Team leaders—Elder Guy and Sister Chris Hill

Our wonderful neighbors in #407–Elder Gerry Johnson and Sister LaVonda Johnson
And they are our Zone Leaders, too!!

We are excited to meet all of our fellow servants and begin our Service here in HQ—as that is how our Mission is “referred to”.  I need to take a picture of our “Office” that we have been assigned to on the 2nd floor of the Church History Library or CHL as we will no doubt end up referring to it in that way.  T’is a wonderful place to be!!